
Saturday, March 14, 2015

A Rich Life With Less Stuff - The Minimalists

Does having more material possessions make us happier and richer in life?

In today's world, we have so many things to choose from and it feels awesome. But, sometimes we just give up choosing and use the same few stuffs. In recent years, the number of fast food chains have increased 2-3 times and the number of clothing stores have increased by many times too. We even have hundreds of TV programmes to choose from and hundreds of food items at the supermarket.

We buy things and fill our ever growing smaller homes day by day and year by year. Most of these stuffs end up abandoned somewhere in the corner such as electronic items, clothing, accessories etc. It clutters up our life and in the end we still use the same few items that we like. A few days ago, I chanced upon this interesting TED talk on how to have a Rich Life with Less Stuff. The speakers are known as the Minimalists and this concept has been adopted by people all around the world where they experienced happier lives. Watch the video below to know how you can have a rich life with less stuff:

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Related Videos:
1. The chase after money lifestyle and materialism
2. What if money was no object?


  1. Hello SGYI!

    Great minds do think alike! I've always wanted to share this video too.
    I first chanced upon The Minimalists' website and saved their articles into Pocket as I felt they are extremely relevant in our society now, where everyone's mind and surroundings are clouded with materialism matters.
    I'll soon be sharing my view on learning to live as a minimalist, just like them.
    I've actually started clearing things from my cabinet and drawers, and I even got some extra money by listing them at Carousell :-P

    The IA

    1. Hi The IA,

      Great to hear that. Looking forward to your sharing of your views. I'm sure you'll be much happier now living like a minimalist :)

    2. Hi The IA,

      Great to hear that. Looking forward to your sharing of your views. I'm sure you'll be much happier now living like a minimalist :)
