
Monday, February 29, 2016

National CashFlow Competition 2016 - Board Game Competition is Back Again!

Have you ever thought that you could have a glimpse of your future in Singapore and understand how making the right financial decisions can affect your life indefinitely? Do you think that making decisions on buying a house, buying insurance, investing in stocks, bonds and even starting a business is too much to handle? 

As a young person growing up in Singapore, inevitably we will have concerns for the future. Now, with a newly designed board game called Asset Finesse™ (AF), we can experience making financial decisions for our future. The best thing is when we make a wrong decision, we can learn from it and not make the same mistake in our real lives.

A locally designed board game: Asset Finesse

Long time readers of my blog would remember I went for a board game competition event last year which was organised by NTU interactive investment club. The event saw more than 500 participants from 44 different schools coming together to play a locally designed financial board game and compete against each other to see who can survive in the harsh financial world. In the game, players get to make decisions on investing in stocks, starting a business, starting a family and buying a house, investing in bonds, insurance, unit trusts and many more. It was heartening to see many people coming together to learn more about how financial decisions actually affect their lives in the future. 

This year, My blog SG Young Investment will be the official media partner for National CashFlow Competition 2016. I am a supporter of financial literacy and I think NTU has done a very good job is bringing financial literacy to more people out there. 

We all have the opportunity to play this board game again. It doesn't matter if you're a student, teacher, adult, young or old, all are welcome to participate in this competition which will take place on 19th March 2016

See the number of people who came together to play the financial board game last year

Adults come and play too

Students learning how to make financial decisions carefully

A time to play and get to know more people

Besides having fun, there are great prizes to be won too. 

The prizes this year are:

Gold: MacBook Air
Silver: iPhone 6S
Bronze: $200 Cash (3 winners)

The registration fee is only $10. Participants will get an exclusive NCF 2016 t-shirt, a goodie bag and refreshments throughout the day! 

Click on this link to register for the competition:

*Registration closes on 11th March 2016 so hurry and sign up now!*

You may just be the next person to win away one of these great prizes. 

There will also be a weekly Facebook quiz on their Facebook page -

See you there!

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